Colpa vs responsabilita' e accettare e permettere
Questi due vocaboli vengono spesso confusi completamente l'uno con l'altro, portandoci a confondere un atteggiamento tossico con uno...

La ferita della scarsita'
Oggi ho assistito ad un episodio che mi ha sconcertato. Stavo passeggiando per il centro di Ancona per distendermi un po' e passando...

La punizione dell'isolamento
Uno dei vantaggi dell'interagire con persone inconscie e' che tendono a riflettere le nostre parti inconsce, dandoci l'opportunita' di...

The Human Starvation
For us wealthy westerners, looking at poorer people in third world countries or homeless fellows on the street, it is so easy to make...

The Shadow of Switzerland
I have lived in Ticino, the Southern part of Switzerland, for about 6 years. As I have ascertained over the last 30+ years of my life...

Bullying and secure connection
When we think of bullying, usually what comes to mind is images of nasty kids ridiculing or shaming a weaker target in school, in the...

Learning connection from the Philippines
I already talked about the shadow sides of the Philippines - and how they gave me an opportunity to grow - in my last blogs. Today I...

Narcissism a good thing?
Today, after 3 nights of not sleeping due to the screaming chickens in the surrounding area, I am in a lot of pain, I am dragging myself...

The exploitation paradise
For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in the Philippines. I came here because my Taiwanese visa was expiring (I have to renew it...

How people are easily baited by politicians
This is how narcissists work - some of them of course are more skilled than others, some are more educated than others, but basically...