Success and Money
I had to write something about this. Because I am literally bombarded with coaching plans, workshops and offers on how to become a...
Stato mentale
E’ molto facile dimenticarsi che e’ il nostro stato mentale a creare la nostra realtà , non il contrario. Me ne sono dimenticata anch’io...
Intimita', donna e uomo
Non molto tempo fa mentre parlavo con un mio amico raccontando varie vicende di vita, ad un certo punto mi ha fermato e perplesso mi ha...
The city of broken dreams
After my convergence in Arizona I desired to stay there longer. I was positively surprised in so many ways by my experience there. I...
Running to the next best thing
We all do it to some degree and in some context. We are running after the ‘next best thing’, all the time. We convince ourselves that as...
Abundance vs Consumerism
As I arrived in New York the other day, I was thrown in my face the abundance of the city. With eating for example, it was stunning to...